Ceny i Zapytaj o Rezerwacje

Kempingi i parcele

Komfort Parcela
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

The Comfort pitches are for max. 6 persons. The price includes water, sewerage and electricity connection. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season) against extra fee. On the...

Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1

Zaopatrzenie w wodę i kanalizacja

Komfort Parcela ~ 100 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

The Comfort pitches are for max. 6 persons. The price includes water, sewerage and electricity connection. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season) against extra fee. On the...

Powierzchnia: 100 m2
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Komfort Parcela ca. 120 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  The 120 m2 pitches are for max. 8 people. The price includes water and electricity connection. The current is between 6 and 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in...

Powierzchnia: 120 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Namiot + Rower
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 5 m2
Max. osób: 2
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Namiot + Rower
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali


Powierzchnia: 5 m2
Max. osób: 2
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

Namiot + Rower <5 m²
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

Green area, only for tent: - tent size to 5 m2, for maximum 2 people, the price include the fee for the people.

Powierzchnia: 5 m2
Max. osób: 2
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Namiot + Samochód
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali

Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1

Namiot + Samochód + Elektryka
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali


Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1

Namiot + Samochodu max. 50 m²
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

Green area, only for tent: - tent size over 5 m2, for maximum 6 people, electricity, the price include the fee for the people.

Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1

Namiot <5 m²
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  This tentplace is for those, who are arriving by bicycles or on foot, and set up a tent less than 5 m2. For the tentplace under 5 m2, the pre-booking is not necessary.  

Powierzchnia: 5 m2
Max. osób: 2
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

Namiot > 5 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 5
Max samochdy: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1

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Parcela 110 -129 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 110-129 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parcela 130 -150 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 130-150 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parcela 70-89 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 70-89 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parcela 80-99 m2
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

The 80-99 m2 pitches are for max. 6 persons. The price includes the electricity connection. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season) against extra fee. On the arrival day,...

Powierzchnia: 80-99 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parcela 90-109 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 90-109 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parcela 90-110 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  The 90-110 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is between 6 and 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the...

Powierzchnia: 90-110 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parcela ca. 100 m2
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali

The 100 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is min. 6 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season)...

Powierzchnia: 100 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

Parcela ca. 120 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  The 120 m2 pitches are for max. 8 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is between 6 and 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high...

Powierzchnia: 120 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parcela ca. 60 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  The 60 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is between 6 and 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high...

Powierzchnia: 60 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

Zakaz wprowadzania zwierząt

Parcela ca. 70 m2
Camping & Bungalows Füred, Balatonfüred

  The 70 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is between 6 and 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high...

Powierzchnia: 70 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parcela ca. 70 m2
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali

The 70 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is min. 6 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season)...

Powierzchnia: 70 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parcela ca. 80 m2
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali

The 80 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is min. 6 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season)...

Powierzchnia: 80 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

Parcela max. 70 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 70 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parceli 100-120 m2
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

The 100 m2 pitches are for max. 8 persons. The price includes the electricity connection. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season) against extra fee. On the arrival day, before...

Powierzchnia: 100-120 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

Parceli 60-79 m2
Camping Naturist Berény, Balatonberény

The 60-79 m2 pitches are for max. 6 persons. The price includes the electricity connection. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season) against extra fee. On the arrival day,...

Powierzchnia: 60-79 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2

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Parceli na brzegu 110-129 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 110-129 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parceli na brzegu 130-150 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 130-150 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 8
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parceli na brzegu 90-109 m2
Camping Napfény, Révfülöp

Powierzchnia: 90-109 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 1
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Mały namiot: 1

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Parceli na brzegu ca. 100 m2
Camping Strand-Holiday, Balatonakali

The waterside 100 m2 pitches are for max. 6 people. The price includes electricity connection. The current is 10 A on the campingplaces. Pitches can be occupied from 15:00 on the day of the arrival. You must leave the pitch until 12:00 on the day of departure. Early check-in/Late check-out: In case of earlier arrival, you can use the beach, sanitary blocks and the animation (in the high season)...

Powierzchnia: 100 m2
Podłączenie do prądu: 1
Max. osób: 6
Max samochdy: 2
Max przyczepy kempingowe: 1
Maks. Namiot: 2